Category Archives: Uncategorized

Here be … course materials

So my course materials have arrived.  It turns out they include a copy of the incredibly heavy set text, which in a fit of enthusiasm I had already ordered from Waterstone’s.  I hope postage costs are covered in their internet returns policy.

The first half of the course takes the Maria von Trapp approach to history of art, starting with ancient Greek art and working forward (yes, I know Greek art isn’t actually ‘the very beginning’ – humour me!)  Seeking inspiration for my poem a week challenge I did some reading on Keats’ ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’.  On the upside, by the wonder/time sucking hole that is Wikipedia links I actually ended up learning quite a bit about Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns before even starting the official course reading.  Down side – no actual poetry written yet.

I have a long weekend this weekend, Friday and Monday off work, so I’m hoping to get properly started on some coursework and find time for some writing too.



Welcome to my new blog for all things creative.  I’ve set this up to record some of my work and thoughts as I start on my Open College of the Arts degree.  There may be photographs, poetry, creative ramblings and tangential musings.  Also gnashing of teeth as I attempt to get to grips with WordPress.